10C Shared space Address 42 Carden Street City Guelph Province - Ontario Postcode+N1H 3A2
We deliver AfroMENA Foods to your doorstep
We deliver AfroMENA Foods to your doorstep

About Us

Welcome to AFROMENA Foods Canada (AFC) Inc, your go-to destination for the authentic food ingredients for Africa dishes and the Middle East culinary, delivered right to your homes in Canada. AFC is food company of innovation using research and development tools to fix


Our mission is to provide Canadian immigrants of AFROMENA origins and residents with easy access to the authentic tastes of Africa and the Middle East. We are dedicated to sourcing the finest ingredients, promoting cultural diversity, and fostering a sense of community through food. At AFC, we take pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients from the heart of Africa and the Middle East. Our team of experts is dedicated to curating a wide range of products that symbolize the culture, lifestyle and taste of these regions. We believe that food and lifestyle are mutually inclusive with strong power to connect people to their origin. We are on a mission to share the unique aroma and cultural heritage of Africa and the Middle East with the Canadian immigrants’ community.

Our Statement of Purpose

We are purposeful in fixing the challenges of AFROMENA foods availability, accessibility, affordability, Traceability and quality assurance to support lifestyle diversity of Canadian residents. We are passionate about bringing you the finest selection and combinations of herbs, spices, vegetables, festive Ram for Muslims, tasty fresh chicken products, and bulk purchase options for food businesses in North America.We deliver affordable conventional, organic and Halal foods at a very competitive price. Let us take you on a culinary journey that makes you to feel at home in your new Canadian homes by serving you the rich and diverse food ingredients of Africa and the Middle East.


AFC was founded in 2023. Our journey began with a vision to bring the authentic tastes of Africa and the Middle East to the multicultural landscape of Canada to meet the ever - growing population diversity. With a strong commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we have grown steadily, becoming a trusted name in the industry. Our management team has years of experience in the Agri- food and beverage sector, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards in every aspect of our core business and logistics

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